Energetic Colors

Mar 01, 2007 09:04

Dear February 2007,

I am sorry to say this, but I'm afraid we have to end things.  I know you never meant to hurt me, and I hope you know I never meant to hurt you.  Sometimes these things just happen.  We simply jumped in to things too quickly, and there was too much pressure.  We just weren't ready for the commitment we tried to make.
Of course, we had some good times.  I will always carry those close to my heart.  I hope you will eventually remember all of the good things instead of dwelling on all the bad stuff.  Maybe one day we can even be friends again.  Who knows...
Please know you will always have a special place in my memories.  I know everyone says this, but this time it's not just a cliche.  It's not you, it's me.  Right now I just need some space, and I hope you can forgive me for it one day.

With All My Heart,

Oh my god, February is over!  I've never been so happy to waive goodbye to a month as I have this past one.  It was incredibly exhausting, and starting to feel a bit like that clingy boyfriend who simply won't go away.  Then there is the pressure.  Yes, pressure.  The month of February is full of it, and whether you acknowledge it or not, you feel it.

Let's start with the pressure of holidays.  February has the WORST holidays!  Groundhog's Day?  Valentine's Day?  Presidents' Day?  Oh Puh-LEASE!  How am I supposed to get excited about some fat little rodent being pulled out to give us weather predictions that are usually just as inaccurate as the ones given to us by "state of the art satellite technology" and well trained meteorologists?  There aren't even good sales for Groundhog's Day.  Even better than that is Valentine's Day.  Yes, let me put my romantic fate into the hands of a chubby blind kid carrying age-inappropriate, poisonous weapons.  While I'm at it, let me spend ridiculous amounts of money on stupid cards that will only end up in the trash.  Let's not forget the chocolates that will never get eaten, because let's face it: most of us don't know what's in that crap, and the stuff we can recognize we simply don't like (Butternut Nugget? ICK!)  Oh, and then there's Presidents' Day.  There are only two good things about President's Day.  1) The Parking Meters do not apply, so you can park on the street all day for free.  2.  Your office is going to be pretty quiet that day.  (Because let's face it, most of us are not government employees, so to get the day off we pretty much have to take a vacation day or suck it up and go to work...)  Aside from that the sales suck because they jacked up prices before marking them down, and they barrage us with commercials about their sales to boot.

Then there is the length of the month.  I know it's only two to three days shorter than every other month of the year, but it always feels significantly shorter.  I feel like I just paid my bills for February, and I'm already receiving March's bills in the mail.  I prefer at least two weeks between the receiving of bills, thank you very much.  If I don't have at least two weeks, my mailbox gets extremely boring.  It's the whole "all work and no play" concept... Not to mention there is more chance of February being a drama-packed month, simply because there are less hours to cram just as much drama into.  (I am of the belief that drama is constant, it's just the amount of time it's spread over that makes it more or less bearable.)

Of course, there are some good things about February.  The SuperBowl is always great!  I mean, that comes with the pressure of whether or not your team wins, but that's the good kind of pressure.  Also, Black History Month has some interesting stuff from time to time.  There were some other good things that came out of February, but for the most part I'm glad to leave it behind.

Houdini came back in my life in a more stable way  We may even get to be friends one day.
V and I had a lot of fun with each other.  Who knows, I may even learn to trust a guy again.
I had the chance to see a great production of Twelfth Night.  I always love seeing Shakespeare.

pidgehuss came into town, and I got to see her, as well as
fielchimera.  That day got four stars. ****
Last week was "Have Dinner with Amber" week, so I got to spend a lot of time with various friends who I don't really get to see often.  That was goodness.

Houdini came back in my life.  Enough said.
I may be learning to trust a guy again.  Enough said.
I'm still driving the damn rental car.
Shorter month.
No snow you could play in.  It all came with a layer of ice.
Ridiculous holidays
The aforementioned rant, of course.


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