Spent two hours last evening and my lunch break editing. Just when I think I've had it up to here with the Bone Hermit, somebody sends me back a beta-copy and I get my wind back. Yeah, thanks guys. :p
Then I laid down another thousand words or so on one of my
tossaway projects. I haven't settled on what to work on next, and I'm editing *counts* three things right now, so it's not pressing, but I've got about four little things for me to pick at until something sticks. This one isn't shaping up at all like I expected. It interests me, but I'm not sure I would ever want to keep it in this shape. More likely, I would tear it down and reinvent. I dunno, we'll see.
Immediately after work I went downtown to take my voice test for the radio job. I wandered through the building until I found my contact's office--with a note on the door saying she was out sick--and then wandered some more until I found a living person. She was expecting me, and took me into an empty room with blank white walls and a tape recorder on a table. Well, I'm used to that. No worries. Then she threw down this massive pile of things for me to read. There was a vocabulary list (and over half the words were French, which I thought was funny), a TV listing, a grocery-store supplement, a Dear Abby column, a book excerpt, a weather report, and a tongue twister. I so rocked the tongue twister. It took me about half an hour to do them all, between practice and retakes. I left a few stumbles on the tape: one, because I really didn't want to read the whole grocery-store supplement over again, and the other so they could hear me catch a stumble, which will indubitably happen often. Overall it wasn't half bad, and it was so fun to use my voice like that again.
Oh! The most interesting thing was that they had me read a Garfield comic strip, and describe the action in the panels where there were no words. That was tricky.
I'll hear back in a week. :)