"Hey, A," you might say, "how do you get up to so much awesome stuff? Every couple of weeks you're
in the news for being murdered or winning a basketball game or curing cancer. What gives?"
Answer: a well-developed clone army, which Google Alerts tells me now numbers 570 on Facebook alone, not counting the 51 with different middle names. By making extensive variations to the individual members I have developed a range of permutations so broad that virtually every segment of society and area of expertise is within my grasp. Phase One has been to pepper the population with faithful versions of myself; Phase Two will involve gradually introducing them to one another so that their unique skill sets align via the shared self-awareness pattern of their names, creating a synergy that permits breakthroughs in the bond-pairs' fields. When our cumulative fame factor reaches critical mass, we will initiate Phase Three and form a consortium, exponentially increasing our power, until world control is consolidated into the hands of a few, exceptional selves--who will then peacefully transfer their power to me, their sire, the Ur-Self, and we will be great and benevolent, loved by all.
There's no way this plan can fail.