Dec 11, 2009 09:26
So it turns out that posting Hench U is not helping me finish it at all. Huh. It is reminding me that LJ exists, so I'm commenting more often on all your lovely posts rather than just reading them, so...mission half-accomplished? I guess?
It's December! I'm cold and tired, all the time. My house has these electric heaters that have been on high for weeks now; I literally cannot make my bedroom any warmer without adding accessories, which I am too cheap/lazy to do. Now I sleep under two quilts and a thermal blanket. I am also very seriously considering knitting myself a nightcap. (I tried wearing a regular knit cap, but it wouldn't stay on.) Maybe a Jayne hat. Down side: Every night while getting into bed I'd be forced to say, "I'll be in my bunk" and then laugh for five minutes. Every night.
Our parents got high-speed Internet! This is wonderful and hilarious, but it comes with a host of internal dilemmae. Do I tell them about my Twitter? Do I warn them about /b/? Should I prepare them to expect an Internet largely constructed of good-hearted vulgarity? They've never had a fast enough connection speed to become involved with Web 2.0. It's bizarre, but I am actually worried about them losing their innocence online. I know, I know, they've been around twice as long as me and used to live on an Army base, but I can't imagine they've ever come across anything as bad as what I've seen on Encyclopedia Dramatica by accident. More to the point: what if they find out I sometimes still go there on purpose?
My Dad would love the Fark headlines but flip his metaphorical wig over the comment threads. Is there some kind of parental content filter I can sneak onto their computers?
On the positive side, I can't wait to link them to CakeWrecks.