So I was in the library ODing on comic books when I discovered that
Redwall had been adapted into graphic novel format. Immediately, and for the first time in a long time, this switch went off in my brain and I was right back in the RWOnline mindset. RWO, for those of you never in the Redwall fandom, was a monthly ezine that I ran for eighteen
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But I have to say, for some reason the art disturbs me. Possibly it is their little piglike noses.
Heehee, I had forgotten about that hotly-debated topic. And oh dear, the headfur arguments, and the interspecies romance, and was Veil inherently evil, and...
Ahh, nostalgia. Next thing you know I'll be waxing maudlin over my stints in ROC:S and QB.
Also, for the record, RWO was my favorite of the e-zines during that period. I printed out every issue for a while there.
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