Finally saw Monday's Heroes.
Claire! Hiro!
Future!Hiro! Ando! Nathan! Sylar! Maaaaatt! *does a little dance*
Things I could care less about include: Peter, Simone, Mohandir,
that pixie girl who is so obviously a spy that it makes me crazy, Peter, Niki, Niki's big-haired buddy, and (say it with me) Peter.
On the other hand,
I now have half an inkling that Sylar might be Peter from the future, and if that is true...hee hee hee hee. Hee hee.
I also cannot help noticing that
they hired a fairly big-name actor to play Papa Suresh. This episode is the first time they mentioned Mohandir identifying the body, and of course there's Pops on the end table now, but I can't believe they would hire that guy from The Mummy just to pose on the back of a book. He doesn't even look very Indian to be honest. I'm not sure how they're going to use him, whether it will involve a faked death or cellular resurrection (or cloning) or time travel, but I'm positive that they will.