Mar 21, 2006 11:01
I am (still) undertaking a very serious spring cleaning, starting in the living room and working its way back. It's lovely in that I'm moving things that don't need to be in plain view--the aquarium full of turtle equipment for example--and shuffling things I do want in plain view, like the apple crate. Less delightfully, that means I have to find a new place for all this stuff I'm moving. And I only have one bedroom. And there's a bed in there.
Life would be easier if I didn't hoard paper like it was going out of style.
Yesterday's mighty stroke of collector's luck has inspired me to really clean out the BPAL, for serious. My plan goes as follows:
1) Obtain BPAL
2) Test it
3) Dislike it
4) Pass it on
Sadly, what really happens is actually:
1) Obtain BPAL
2) Love it
3) Get more
4) Hoard forever
I also cling to scents I don't necessarily love, just in case I'll want to wear them someday. Do I really need Hecate, Baron Samedi, and Port Au Prince? Probably not...but maybe I do. La Fee Verte vanishes on me, should I keep it or swap it away for more Hellion? Must I hoard the lunars?
Orthodontic appointment tomorrow.