Not only have I been sick (and much improved, though still with limited ability to breathe) but my boss has been out since Friday with what can only be called the Death Flu. My other coworker just caught a flight for Korea so that makes me the only Applicationeer in the building.
Being well removed from all the worst Valentine's-Day venues (stores, TV, radio), I'm blissfully unannoyed at the concept this year. In fact, somebody brought in heart-shaped cookies to work, and who am I to diss a holiday that involves cookies? Cookies make everything good. I'd probably celebrate Hitler Day if it involved getting lemon bars in the shape of swastikas.
(Okay, probably not. But do not underestimate the draw of holiday cookies. Lemon bars in particular...okay, I'm hungry again.)
(I wonder where I can get some of those moon cakes they serve at Chinese New Year?)
These Star Wars valentines are just fantastic.