Deschutes River 2009

Jul 14, 2009 22:24

PhotoBlog. I'm cutting so Kristin won't b!tch. ;)

Bright and early, approaching the first (wussy) rapid - Wapinitia.

We had to go down the right side because the boys were slacking.

Andy falls out. Jesse (beside me) and I appear to find it amusing (bastards).

Right in the midst of Boxcar rapid. Looks like I'm being lazy, or "deduced" that my paddling contributes nothing.

Disciplining Oak Springs!! Guide said we were the hardest hit he'd had all year (thanks to beefy ranchers).

Men overboard.

Me and the guide survived.

Fricken Andy could never stay IN THE BOAT.

Second run, about 2pm and I'm leading - about to hit Wapinitia.

Something was EXTREMELY funny.

Rapid water directly in the mouth.

I was definitely choking it up right here.

Bracing. I was not going in the water.

I was banished from the front by the time we got to Boxcar due to my weight or lack thereof.

Still guffawing. Apparently I didn't learn my lesson THE FIRST time.

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