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I'm sitting in the livingroom drinking left over tortillia soup. Still sick. I wish I could beat this thing. I have been taking Echinacea and GoldenSeal, Zicam, Coughsyrup, Muscinex, and lozenges. I think G might have finally caught it too. He's at work today. His schedule recently changed. I think I am going to stay home and work on cleaning and organizing the house and working on crafts again. I'll make a nice healthy dinner for us tonight.
I have been listening to a lot of J Pop lately and Japanese Death Metal. They are so much more creative than most of our bands but my fav is still the Icelandic and Norwiegian/European Metal. So I posted some of what I have been watching lately PLUS Dimmu Borgir's new video. I think we are going to go see them on tour again here soon.
Speaking of the Japs, I have been watching a lot more Anime lately also. I have always enjoyed shows like Cowboy Bebop and Sailor Moon and THe more obscure and shocking shows and movies like Wicked City but G has gotten me into a lot more. I never thought I would enjoy Naruto but I DO! It gets so good the further you get into it. And I have become obsessed with Claymore and Witchblade. Good stuff. Netflix offers a slew of Anime these days. I really thin G and I are going to have to set our plans to visit Japan in motion here soon. I am currently finally learning to speak Russian and I just need to find the cds at the library on Japanese!
Anywhos. House sitting was super fun. We had a blast in that bath tub. I have bruises everywhere and almost drowned in bubbles. lol. Troy's mom is my new hero. She's this old trucker lady that smokes like a chimney and has a bazillion amazing stories. We were equally fascinated by eachother.
Well, Onto cleaning and crafting. Enjoy the videos!!! Dir En Grey "Obscure" is an all-time fav. I know Angel will enjoy it and Nikki already loves The Knife but the other stuff is good too!!!
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