Sep 10, 2007 08:40
head hurts....nose is runnin....coughin hurts.....argh!
today is not a good day!! the worst part is i have to work....and noah has to sit soooooo far far away :( i wish i could sneek out of here...but how?!
i want to go home and crawl into bed and lay there like a damn vegetable. hopefully this wont continue too long. i have a job to look for.
i feel paranoid today...i know its the medicine. my horoscope surprisingly is very helpful today. it says:
Imaginative Neptune is still activating your key planet Mars today, increasing your creative urges and increasing your intuition. You may try to overcompensate by analyzing everything, especially if you don't trust your feelings. Try not to second-guess anyone's motives; just move forward as gracefully as you can without seeking justification from others.
i have a strange feeling that im going to get fired...and i know im just being paranoid, however, it is a prime example of my paranoia today....not very healthy. i have all these negative thoughts about people and events that might happen here in the near future.
which makes me want to hide from everything and everyone so none of these events or people can hurt me. if anything were to happen right now i dont believe i could handle it. i feel so week and vulnerable that i feel fucked. therefore the only theft for me to do would be run....... head....