Sep 04, 2007 11:49
Sooo...apparently, Chip told my dad that he was interested in applying for a supervisor position here at Convergys AFTER the fact that my dad said that I was still currently working interesting. Of my knowledge there are no supervisor positions opened on the Home Depot side, but lets hope to god he was just being a dick about the situation. I informed my dad about the spiteful vindictive way about Chip McDonald. So let's hope that this situation will dwindle...
On another matter, my dreams have been quite interesting lately. The one that i found disturbing was about my past boyfriends tracking me down and capturing me for some reason or another (thank god the alarm clock went off). It started off as Noah and I in a house the walls all tan and all the linens and accessories in the house were white. The power went out in the area that we lived in and we ended up trying to hide and find a way out of the local area but got caught right before we left in our own home. the boyfriends were dressed in all black with head sets and guns; some had black gloves and gas masks. Noah was not hurt in fact they were trying to pull him away from me when the dream ended.
I had a dream last night that i believe consisted of past memories with my family. The figure I remember most in the dreams was my step dad. Other than that there was no other real importance...just old memories.
"We all dream; we do not understand our dreams,
yet we act as if nothing strange goes on in our
sleep minds, strange at least by comparison with
the logical, purposeful doings of our minds when
we are awake. "
37 minutes till lunch...cant wait till i get to see Noah...god i love him!