Feb 09, 2011 22:28
So, I work as a Sales Coach for OnStar for the Welcome Call department. I help train new hires, lead coaching sessions, write up a summary of said coaching session, set goals, update action plans, run the call center floor, answer questions on the floor, set up ISA (multiple person coaching sessions), set up and deliver voluntary time off, side-jack with the tenured advisors when they suck, run floor-wide contests and probably a billion other things as well...all with no raise from when I was on the phones.
Cast of Characters:
Ahmed: Ops Manager for WC
Anna: Our Team Lead (hah, she never ever talks to us)
Frank: TL for all new hires
Ahmed was going on and on and on (jesus, dude...STFU) about how the sales coaches are sooo important to the business because we're the SME's, we train the n00bs and keep everything going, etc.
So I replied, "You're probably going to take this the wrong way but if that's the case, why are we paid the least?"
Ahmed: "If you're not happy, we can put you back on the phones. Just let me know, we'll put out notice and start interviewing."
Me: "Ahmed, NO ONE'S happy."
(further dialogue, I don't remember because SERIOUSLY? THAT'S THE BEST FUCKING RESPONSE YOU COULD COME UP WITH?)
And then 10 minutes later, we're all dragged into a SC meeting with Ahmed, Anna & Frank and told to vent. I kept my damn mouth shut because seriously? What's the fucking point. Nothing ever changes and they just keep shoveling more fucking shit they want us to do on us.
So, 30 minutes after the meeting, I'm back running the floor YET THE FUCK AGAIN (lovely 7 hour shift on POC) and Ahmed comes up to me to let me know that he meant that in the BEST possible way and that he really wants nothing more for us to be happy. I told him to not worry about it with the very fake voice tone and facial expression of "Bitch, you are dead to me and plz feel free to not believe a word coming out of my mouth right now." However, he was very considerate in making sure that I didn't want to go back on the phones and offered to handle it for me right now, if that was the case.
Bitch, plz. Not until I come back from vacation from DC!
So, in summary - thanks for the reality check, I'll be looking for another job.