*dusts off LJ*
Poor LJ. Neglected because of facebook. So, news. I have a job (call center w/ Convergys for On-Star). I go in for orientation on this coming Friday and then training begins on the following Monday from 7-3 PM. But! I just got a call to come in for an interview tomorrow for Sprint (call center again!). Sprint pays better and has better benefits. I will drop Convergys like a hot potato for better pay and benefits. I'm definitely going to keep looking for a better job though.
Damn it. I forgot to buy batteries for my camera. I'll get batteries and post pictures soon of my apartment. It looks so much nicer when there's furniture in it.
Here's pictures from the day we moved in so it's a giant freaking mess. My mom's coming up to visit me at the end of this week and staying until the following Thursday or so. Then Morgan, Angie & Josh are going to come visit me~~