I have officially completed one of my life goals. So Friday night could probably have been the greatest night of my life so far. On the surface it was yet another in the seemingly, beautifully endless stream of shows I go to. (This summer so far is pretty dry though wtf?) But if you look just beyond that, you find out I effing MET FALL OUT BOY!! and didn't completely spaz out and fall on my face. Pretty proud of myself.
So we got there a little late which was whatever because my main concern was being on time for the meet and greet. We found all the other special blue wristband people (Overcast Kids/Fan Club) and waited around with them until someone finally told us where we need to be (there was lots of confusiion at first but w/e it worked out). So then we're herded down this super secret hallway and told to stand up against the wall...all prison style, pretty awesome. And then Charlie (FOB's friend/security guard) starts with the rules. "You're backstage to see ONE band, no screaming, no yelling, if you see another band or anyone you recognize, you aren't to talk to them, ask for autographs or pictures. You can be excited, but be excited on the inside." So then about two and a half seconds after he says that, Dirty (if you don't know don't ask) comes down the hall and goes "DOUBLE HIGH FIVE LINE!!" and suddenly the rules don't count because we're allowed to high five Dirty. Kind of dorked out, not gonna lie.
And then as soon as Dirty disappears, I hear some whispering and stuff and look up and there's All American Rejects, just kind of walking casually towards us. About the time that Nick Wheeler reached where I was standing is when my brain is going "excited on the inside, excited on the inside." I could actually hear people saying this around me. Pretty hilarious.
So after that, someone goes "holy shit," and about 50 heads turn in unison to see Fall Out Boy walking down the hall towards us. Patrick actually does that air drum thing in real life. I love him. The closer they got the quieter everyone around us got until it was seriously dead silent as they walked into the room. I'd be surprised if any of us were breathing like at all. As soon as the door closed though it erupted. I for real thought the girl in front of me was going to faint.
Meagan met a fellow Andy fan in line, and they pretty much bonded over that. Kinda cute to watch her geek out with someone over him. Love it. So then we finally are let in for round one (autographs). First in line was Patrick and I thought I handled myself well. He said Hi and asked me how I was (mentioned I love him yet?) and I said Hi and that I was good. Then it was on to Joe who said Hi and smiled at me like three seperate times. Andy didn't even look up, just signed and passed my poster down the line to Pete. Cue dying on the inside. I was determined I would at the very least say HI to him. But then he starts signing his name and not looking up at me. Inside I'm going "NONONONO LOOK AT ME, YOU'RE WHY I'M HERE!!!" so he listened and looks up at me and smiles (his teeth twinkled, no lie...turns out that I think he had a grill on his bottom teeth but whatever) and says Hi. Cue you all being proud of me because I didn't even hesitate and I said Hi back. Then he said Thank you for coming and I kind of just smiled because I pretty much wanted to thank him for existing but didn't.
So we leave the room and get in line again this time for pictures and the girl who was in front of me (not the passing out one her friend) tells me she asked Pete if she could touch his hair (I saw her do it) LMAO! Too amazing.
We get back in to the room and for some reason the first thing I looked at was the shoes they all had on. Why? I have no idea. But Andy had on pretty much the sweetest pair of Vans ever that I've wanted for like a million years (black with pink penguins on them). The whole time we were in line Meagan's telling me that she's standing between Pete and Andy, no question. But then last second she tells me no she's going next to Joe. So okay pretty awesome. I kind of bee lined right for the spot next to Pete, which may have come off a little losery but w/e. And he says Hi and I said Hi again and smiled super huge and dorky. And then the moment that made my life, he put his arm around me and my brain kind of stopped functioning for a second. But then I put my arm around his back...I was pretty proud of myself for that. So then Charlie takes the picture and is all bitchy about how long my camera took to work. And we go to leave and Pete says thank you again. Adorable. But I just kind of went Uh huh and left the room really fast.
Oh and awesomeness on Meagan's behalf? During the autograph signing part, Patrick asked her what was up and she goes "not much you?" and he looked at her like she just asked him to get naked and dance around the room...seriously sooo funny. Joe had the same look and I heard it and was like "wtf?"
And she tells me that the Trohmaniac pretty much felt her up when we were getting our picture taken. How awesome is that?!
So then yeah to the show. Hawthorne Heights were just okay. I sang along to Ohio is For Lovers. All American Rejects were amazing, not surprisingly. Nick is very sexual about everything he does. Tyson showed us his nipple and they played everything I wanted them too. The only thing I would have asked was that they play longer.
There is no words to describe the FOB set. Amazing doesn't cut it for me. There was fire canons and costume changes. I loved every second. All the kids around me screamed and squealed over Sugar We're Goin' Down but knew pretty much no other songs. Seriously when Pete asked who had their first record right before they played Dead on Arrival they all started screaming but then couldn't sing along. What? I don't have any issue with new fans seriously but don't yell and scream about having their first album and then say you don't know Grand Theft Autumn. There's something severly wrong with that.
They also started their version of the swear jar. LOL. Anytime one of them swore they would put a bootleg tshirt aside and throw them out at the end. Some 12 year old girl next to me yelled to Pete that he should take off an article of clothing each time he swore. *Insert Eye roll here*
Other than the clueless people around me and the dirty looks I got from some people for knowing songs they clearly didn't it was beyond anything I could have imagined. So much fun. Even Meagan was jumping around during Chicago is So Two Years Ago and has finally accepted her Fall Out Boy love. I couldn't even pick a musical highligh because it was all incredible.
There was a few things that will always stick with me though...One: Pete and Matt Good from From First to Last kissing on the lips (I died some I think) and then the openining of Grand Theft Autumn when Patrick starts but lets the crowd finish. Got chills for real. I don't think that or that song will ever get old for me.
I think that's all. If not...I'll be back probably.
^^♥♥ (totally didn't plan to get this picture)
And the best for last: