(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 21:17


Are you straight, gay, or bisexual?: bi, but kate says im more gay
How many people have you kissed in your life?: 5 or 6
If you're straight or a non-practicing bisexual, have you ever made out with a member of the same sex?: once or twice and a billion if u count the comfort kisses on the forehead
How many sexual partners have you had?: none
How many people have you dated this past year?: 1 i think
Where are your favorite places to be kissed? on the lips
Do you kiss on the first date?: not usually
Would you ever pay someone for sex?: nope
Would you ever let someone pay you for sex?: no
Do you keep your eyes open when you kiss?: yes
Do you think you've met the person you'll spend the rest of your life with?: yea
Have you ever regretted a hook-up?: no
Would you date or marry someone if your parents or friends didn't accept them?: yes
Would you kiss someone if you didn't love them?: no, well not seriously kiss, a pecks okay
Are you always horny?: No
Do you prefer to chase or be chased?: be chased
What is your kissing pet peeve?: cant feel like i need to do it
How many people have you said "I love you" to and meant it?: anyone i said it to i meant it
Have you ever given anyone a bath?: No
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: well u cant get over someone u never had
What do you notice first about guys or girls?: Eyes.
Are you friends with your ex?: all of them
Have you ever cheated on someone?: never
Have you ever been cheated on?: not that i no of
What do you look for in your ideal mate? someone who will trust me and let me be there for them
Biggest Turn-ons: having someone in my arms
Turn-offs:someone who needs to be told their loved and needed all the time
Do you get jealous of your boyfriends/girlfriends/other exes: no

What religion are you?: Wicca
Do you got to church regularly?: alas yes, dont remind me
Do you believe in God?: a higher power that had no sex
Satan?: evil exists only in humans
Angels?: Always
Heaven?: reincarnation...
Are you a virgin?: yep and will remain so
What do you think of abortion?: pro-choice but i could never do it
Suicide?: dont do it, there is always something to look foreward to
Flag burning?: y burn a flag when u can burn the bible, im just kidding burning anything besides things that are meant to burn isnt good (my pants for example)
War?: is started by the evil to be left to be fought by the good
Pop music?: hey i just found brittny spears in the recycling plant

What are you wearing?: jeans and a tee-shirt
Who are you talking to?: kate
How is the weather?: perfect
What are you listening to right now: keyboard
What/Who are you thinking about?: finishing this quiz so i can read HF
What are you eating/drinking?: nadda
What are you looking forward to?: friday, school is done for 2 days
What are you dreading?: next monday
How are you feeling?: exhausted and uneasy
How is your hair: up
What time is it?: 8:33
What are you annoyed by?: my contacts

Burped?: idk
Kissed?: i cant count that high
Had sex?: NA
Went to the movies?: ZorroZorroZorroZorroZorroZorro*hypervenalates*ZorroZorroZorroZorroZorroZorro
Went out to eat?: friday
Cried?: saterday
Peed?: idk
Went skiing/snowboarding?: never but i want to sooo bad
Went for a walk?: last night around 2, that would be this morning wouldnt it
Ate ice cream?: idk
Got into a fight?: not for a very long time

insecure?: no
interesting?: i dont believe i am
hungry?: Nope
moody?: not for the most part
hardworking?: lazy
organized?: nope
healthy?: nah
responsible?: for once yes
obsessive?: i can be
angry?: dont remember
sad?: yes
happy?: not very
hyper?: almost never
talkative?: i can be

Kill?: no one
Kiss?: they know who they are
Slap?: no one
Get wasted with?: no one, wasted is bad
Look like?: czj
Talk to offline?: alex
Talk to online?: laura

Coke or Pepi: water
Number of cds you own?: idk
Number of scars on your body?: lets see, lets start with legs and work our way up
What are your bad habits?: thinking and caring

1) pierce your nose or tongue? nose
2) be serious or be funny? serious
3) drink whole or skim milk? yucky, milk, animal product, yuck

4) simple or complicated? depends

5) flowers or angels? angels
6) grey or black? black
7) color or black-and-white photos? black and white
8) lust or love? Love
9) sunrise or sunset? Sunset
10) M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms
11) rap or rock? Rock
12) staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late.
13) TV or radio? TV
15) eating apples or oranges? oranges

16) do you have a crush? yep
17) do they know it? yea
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