Nov 21, 2008 09:31

I know I shouldn't really be complaining about my exams when Tiff has more then me but... I can't help it

okay so next week i have

Monday: 8:30am a 2.5 hr Science (add another 25mins on to that and you'll get have much time i have to do it in)

Tuesday: 8:30 am a 2 hr Society and Environment Exam (add 20 mins to that and you get my time) and at 1:30pm I have my German Aural Exam (I have to speak in German for 8 mins straight) (luckily my German Teacher like DAAS)

Wednesday: 12:30 pm i have a German Exam i think it goes for just over an hour (add 10 mins)

yes I get 10 mins extra for each hour of the Exam because I have a learning disability...

enough of exam talk

Georgia and i are slowly finding teachers who like DAAS (or even went and saw them perform) we have so far

My German teacher, an English teacher, My I.T teacher, two Librarians and that's it so far...

I really should not panic about Exams........

exams paul daas

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