[oo1] Somewhere on an island

Mar 22, 2009 10:00

Um...hello! M-my name is Toris, also known as Lithuania. I'm a small country of the Baltic Coast, perhaps you've been there before? We've had raids from pirates, because we were the center of the amber trade.

W-where am I anyways? Ah yes, I think remember now. Did I really decide to become a pirate? Hopefully my boss, Ravis, and Edward won't get too angry at me.

I remember leaving, and then there was some sort of a storm. Maybe I should have never left, we were suppose to be having a festival this year...and I'm going to miss it. Ah well, it was all my fault anyways.

But to the present task at hand...

H-how do I get off this island? It's small, and I still have to find food.

!first post, !island, !need new ship

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