Nov 29, 2007 23:15
LPQ: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Winner: Diz (xanga)
I am currently at the beginning of a long shift - 9:00pm to 2:00am. I figured it was better to get my 12:00-2:00 shift out of the way, and I knew that I would be grumpy if I went to bed and then had to wake up and go to work at midnight. So I'm doing a long five hour shift now to avoid that. I'm confident that, in hindsight, that will seem like a good idea.
Anyway, Lauren posted a list of 100 things that make her happy. I wasn't going to do the same, because I didn't think I could come up with that many. But I am currently in a position where I don't see many things that make me happy, so if I write down the things that do, then maybe I will be able to see them more readily and, consequently, be happier. goes:
1. Being loved for who I am.
2. Music.
3. Friends. (I could cheat and put down everyone individually, but I won't.)
4. Waking up after a good night's sleep.
5. A good night's sleep.
6. Randomly hanging out with friends.
7. Crying from laughing so hard.
8. Hugs.
9. Someone being nicer than they have to be.
10. A student grasping a concept.
11. Children.
12. Acting like a child.
13. Finding someone else who is odd in the same way I am. (The whole, "You too?" thing.)
14. The beach.
15. Coca-cola that's been in the cooler all day and has little ice chips floating in it.
16. Waking up and not having anything to do right away.
17. Going to a good movie with friends.
18. Climbing a tree.
19. Being somewhere I shouldn't be with Thann.
20. Getting lost and finding my way again.
21. Being able to solve a problem without anyone else's help.
22. Church.
23. Consistently being around people who have the same interests as I do.
24. Good food.
25. Telling stories.
26. Performing in community theatre.
27. Road trips.
28. Random compliments.
29. Seeing kids grow up into great adults.
30. Being missed.
31. Horseback riding.
32. Playing games.
33. Being right.
34. Correcting grammar/spelling.
35. Debating intelligently.
36. Knowing exactly what I'm talking about.
37. Reading.
38. Learning about other cultures.
39. Conducting.
40. Making other people laugh.
41. Being sure of my way.
42. Getting messages from friends I haven't seen in a long time.
43. Being recognized by someone I don't know.
44. Being complimented in front of a group.
45. Getting an "A" on something I worked hard on.
46. Pulling pranks.
47. Samford's Christmas decorations.
48. Christmas Pops at the Alabama Theatre!
49. Being safe.
50. Being trusted with something big.
51. Being recommended for something.
52. Hot chocolate from Starbucks.
53. Marching Band.
54. Looking at old pictures.
55. Knowing secrets.
56. Getting good, Godly advice I know I can trust.
57. Watching the sunrise.
58. Trying to stifle laughing during church.
59. Laughing at someone else laughing.
60. Staying up until all hours of the night talking about everything and nothing.
61. Sarcasm.
62. Knowing a movie so well I can quote it.
63. Driving long ways by myself.
64. Being helpful.
65. Leaving anonymous gifts for people.
66. Figuring out the ending to a movie before the ending comes.
67. Having an easy day at work.
68. Grace and mercy.
69. Being able to trust people.
70. Hearing a child call me "Miss Wilson."
71. Running from authorities like a bat out of hell.
72. Being able to fix something that no one else can fix.
73. Knowing what is going to happen to me when I die.
74. Being conversational with a stranger.
75. Attempting to get kicked out of Wal-Mart.
76. Video games that involve things getting blown up.
77. Plotting fun surprises for other people.
78. Nicknames.
79. ESPN - because ESP isn't real.
80. Never Have I Ever and other party games.
81. Random bursts of inspiration or enlightenment.
82. Giving to someone because someone else gave to me.
83. Standing up for people.
84. The applause after a performance.
85. Set ups and tear downs.
86. Knowing big words.
87. Hot showers.
88. Doing donuts in a parking lot.
89. Going mudding.
90. Scavenger hunts.
91. Being full.
92. Being in pit orchestras.
93. Dancing in the rain.
94. Swimming.
95. Puppies.
96. Reading a book or watching a movie while curled up in a blanket while it's raining.
97. Falling asleep to music.
98. The couch in the common room.
99. Carthweels.
100. The fact that I could think up 99 things that make me happy.
end of rambling