Dec 05, 2005 19:38
Wow, I'm getting really pretty good about this updating thing, I don't take 2 months to update now!!! =)
WEll, I guess I can say that things are going pretty good right now.
I've made up with a "certain person" & I'm really happy about that. She's a sweet person, I guess I was only trying to defend my bestest and her bf, because they were hurt, & it seemed like the right thing to do at the time was to lash out to someone I hardly even knew, oh well, that's over and done with now ♥
David & I, we're good, great actually. He's a wonderful person, seriously =) I love him to death!! I definately wouldn't have it any other way. He's my world. And I honestly don't know what I would do without him. Let me tell ya, he's helped me through some pretty tough times. Times when I felt like I didn't have anyone else, and it felt good to know that I at least had him to turn to. =)
My friends, they are also wonderful. They are my rock =) They are also people that I can turn to. Sure, we've all had our ups & downs, but it proved true in the end. We are still holding on strong, & are the best of friends. Of course I've been able to sort the "good" friends from the "bad" this year. Most all of them are good >:| They truly are amazing, and them bitches got my back ♥
Everything else, I can say, is pretty good. My life really isn't that bad! I can't complain, I'm sure there are some kids who would die to have what I have. I mean, seriously, think about all the kids who are going to be doing without anything this Christmas, it's horrible to even think about it.
Well guys, I go to get my tubes in Wednesday! lol Tomorrow I go to get the pre-op thingy ! lol It's not too serious! haha.
Well I'm out, leave me comments ♥