I got rid of the glasses and am growing out the brows after an over tweezing incident
I'm not laying down, I'm up against my livingroom drapes using the sunlight out my window as a flash. Sometimes I don't think I know what I actually look like. I mean, I don't think this is it.
Randy had urged me to get contacts at one point in time because they hid my eyes, when we snuggled they poked him in the chest, I often complained about them and I really just kept forgetting to go in and order contacts. I finally remembered to make the call one day and they said that because it had been over a year since I had worn contacts I needed a new fitting but since it had been less than a year since my last eye exam, my insurance wouldn't cover anything. They said my year was up in March so, I waited it out. They, of course, failed to mention a bunch of extra charges and I pretty much got screwed whilst there. Not cool. Anyway, I got one pair for now and next month I might order more. I really am sick of my glasses. I know everyone likes them and they are so me blah blah blah...but I'm fucking sick of them being the focus of my face. There's a gal with a lovely set of eyes behind those frames!
Also, I know I haven't been replying to comments much and I apologize for that but my net connection is shit and half the time my replies don't go through and I eventually just give up...so it's not like I haven't been trying. It's slower than dial up, I swear...yet it's supposed to be high speed. There's nothing they can do, unfortunately. I live in a really bad place for wireless reception. It will probably take me at least 45 minutes to get this to post.