I'm experimenting around with earning money through websites and blogging, this is only one of my blogs, the others are at wordpress. One is
SpiralOwlCreations and the other is my wedding blog (which isn't up and running yet).
I'm working on figuring out things from Amazon right now (which is pretty silly of me with a sick 2 year old and a 1/2 cup of coffee, but here I am!) and one of the widgets I thought was pretty cool is this little guy!
So I thought about songs that make me FEEL. Songs that I can't sing because my heart is in my throat. Songs I HAVE to sing because my heart is in my throat. (or whole Albums in the case of Dead Can Dance). This way I can share them with you guys.
I'll just cover the bands/people you've probably never heard of...
I'd never heard of VAST until
Lorna Tedder blogged about him. Now I'm hooked (and so is my 15yo).
I discovered Dead Can Dance as a 14 yo and even though my normal sort of music at that age was Ministry, Anthrax and The Cure for bad days. I heard these guys and it was like they rang a bell in my soul. I *had* to listen. At that time it cost about 30 dollars to import a tape from England and I gladly saved my lunch money to do so. I still have some of them. I've seen them in concert (and saw
David Bowie and
Iman how awesome is that! Plus I swear someone who looked just like
Lestat and didn't show up until after dark).
Tiger Army just calls to my cute lil' Rockabilly Soul. Great guitar, great bass and great singing. Very soulful but you just want to dance at the same time.