(no subject)

Jul 01, 2007 10:05

Got a whole lotta cleaning done yesterday. I'll take pictures later, cuz it's worthy of pictures.
Yeah, I organized my craft/sewing stuff!
Holy shit.
I went and bought more canvas boxes (they were on sale for 2 bucks each and I bought them all mwhah!)
So I put kid project stuff in one box (that includes all baby material, and material for kids, and half finished projects for kids, like flaming skull pj pants, the moby wraps I haven't finished, the girly dresses the girls want, and boppy covers etc) 2 boxes for MY unfinished projects, like shirts, garb, purses etc. 1 box for patterns I'm using, and various crafty shit that the cat keeps knocking over. I put all the lighter weight stuff near the cats window up higher, and the boxes are now by the cats window so he can't knock them down in his kitteny-rush-to-kill.

It was a lot more work that it sounds, enough so that Wulf made dinner last night. It was pretty good, especially considering he didn't ONCE ask for help, or for me to keep him company. He made burrito's and chopped up onions, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. Just had one kid grate cheese, and even put the tortilla's in foil to bake so they were warm. The only thing he forgot was the cumin in the burrito mix so it tasted like mexican food and not american. But they were still good, and I got to lay and rest.

Baby was kicking the SHIT outa me last night. Seriously. The bed was bouncing!
We also decided on a name. We decided we don't care if my brothers daughters name is Kyah, and that's she's a little bitch (my sister says it's all her mom, my mom said she was a clone of me with LeeAnne thrown in) So that's not nice.
But anyways. I've never seen the girl, I'm not going to be going back to California anytime soon, simply can't afford it, and don't know when I'll be able to. My brother and I love each other, but I haven't talked to him for probably a year now at least. He's way to poor to come visit me, and I don't think he would anyways. We aren't that close.
So why not name our kid Kaia? We all three like it, it's German (like Wulf wants) Japanese (for Diane) and Native American (for me) What's the odds?
So she's going to be Kaia Dylan O'Rourke .

Dunno what I'm going to do today. Sew some more probably. Try and get The Morg to take pics of the Massive Belly of Doom as the boys call it, maybe see what the pool looks like, read a bit, sweep the damn nasty kitchen floor, do some laundry. Yeah, ok, that sounds like a full day LOL

sewing room, pregnancy, crafts, sewing, kaia, chores, baby, wulf, reading

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