
Mar 26, 2008 10:53

Well... It was COLD!!! Bitterly, Bitterly cold! Snow, gales, rain and hail!
IC fun was had, but the weather made it quite horrid! :(

Arrived on Thursday to help the Southern Kamakurans set up (as Stephen is part of their group). Didn't manage to sleep at all that night, with the cold, constant rain and there was the clatter-bangs of things falling down around us. At about 5am, someone actually shouted for help and Stephen went out to help in the freezing gales and helped to take down one of the HUGE army tents which had buckled in on itself and was then trying to make a bid for flying freedom.

Friday - Still Cold... Put the yurt up (in record time) and huddled inside. Helped set up some more decorative bits for Southern Kamakura, then went to get IC. Managed to find the Sacuza tents and huddled in the white-house where they had a small charcoal burner going. Wandered about a bit with Uncle Abu, but we all found it too cold so headed back. Again, didn't sleep so well, but was serinaded by howling winds and the Kamakuran drums rather than falling tents.

Saturday - you guessed it - still cold. Gale force winds had Stephen worried if the yurt would withstand the weather - we'd witnessed another yurt get destroyed in front of us the day before, but they hadn't listened when we said to make sure the door faced away from the incoming winds. The yurt withstood it all. I'm a bit proud to be honest! :) Again, Pica mainly huddled within the whitehouse after giving herself a facial allergy and being unable to preen properly for the rest of the event! (I used a baby-wipe I turned out to be allergic to, so couldn't put my face-paint on). I mentioned to Stephen I didn't think I'd survive another night. In the evening, I went OC and sat with Stephen, Janet and Oli in the Yurt - which was much warmer than outside, but still really cold. Eventually was huddled off to bed after the shivers got so bad that I couldn't actually walk unaided. Debated on sleeping in the toilets as they were heated.

Sunday - yup - still cold. Told Stephen I wanted to go home, but we opted for staying in a hotel instead. Booked a room at about 10am, it was available, so we had an amazing shower before heading back onsite. Pica got most of her things sorted that she wanted to and even received a letter in response to the one she sent her father, no response from Jacob yet though, but apparently this was the first letter her father had received, despite having sent several. Anyway, I ended up heading back to the hotel early, it was just too cold for me onsite. Had another shower and went to bed.

Monday - woke up in a cozy warm hotel! :D Went on site and just took things down, packed away and said bye to people. I think we all just wanted to go home by then! Managed to get offsite by about 2pm and went straight to a service station to get a hot meal.

Tuesday - woke up at home with a horrid head cold. My neck is as wide as my chin coz of the swollen glands etc. Still not right today. Had taken Tuesday as a holiday, but have had to take today off sick.
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