Dec 01, 2008 17:04
i really get the whole stereotype about seattle and sitting in coffee shops. it is warm here but there is like 5 hours of daylight and you can only sit at home for so long when your cat has fleas and your waiting for the frontline to kick in. you thought it would happen in a instant until you were sweeping today and say larvae twitching in the dustpan.
vomit vomit
i wont get into how poor i'am because that is getting old. i'm gonna put off looking for a second job till after the holidays. because really who would hire someone that is going out of town in 5 seconds.
i started cranking out x mas gifts. i made checkbook covers and sachets wtih lavender from the market. if your name is allison and you read this. please try and act surprised.
i attended my second soul night this weekend. its my scene all the way. people bring baby powder and sprinkle it on the floor. makes me feel good.
i reall wanna have a white elephant party for our grown up friends. though after this whole flea thing who knows if anyone will want to come over!