
Dec 31, 2009 16:16

I read 63 books in 2009!  Not as many as I have in the past few years but still more than one a week.

1) Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman (400 p)
2) First Meetings in the Enderverse by Orson Scott Card (224 p)
3) Dr. Spock's The First Two Years by Benjamin Spock (153 p)
4) Green Babies, Sage Moms by Lynda Fassa (234 p)
5) Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (534 p)
6) Heading Home with Your Newborn by Laura Jana and Jennifer Shu (306 p)
7) Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See (258 p)
8) Nursing Mother, Working Mother by Gale Pryor and Kathleen Huggins (237 p)
9) The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke (349 p)
10) Inkspell by Cornelia Funke (635 p)
11) The Attachment Parenting Book by William and Martha Sears (182 p)
12) The Nighttime Parenting Book by William Sears (203 p)
13) Fresh Milk: The Secret Life of Breasts by Fiona Giles (267 p)
14) The No-cry Nap Solution br Elizabeth Pantley (244 p)
15)The Warrior Trainer by Gerri Russell ( 321 p)
16) The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (312 p)
17) A is for Apron by Nathalie Mornu (144 p)
18) The Mask of Motherhood by Susan Maushart (266 p)
19) The Petit Appetit Cookbook by Lisa Barnes (268 p)
20) High Rhulain by Brian Jacques (341 p)
21) Book of Mint by Jackie French (48 p)
22) Birds of New York City by Chris C. Fisher and Andy Bezener (160 p)
23) The Cat in the Hat  by Dr. Seuss (61 p)
24) The Little Giant by Sergio Ruzzier (29 p)
25) The Golden Egg by Maggie Kneen (18 p)
26) Make It Simpler Paper Piecing by Anita Solomon (128 p)
27) The Road Not Taken and Other Poems by Robert Frost (56 p)
28) Good Bugs for Your Garden by Allison Starcher (54 p)
29) Handmade Books and Cards by Jean G. Kropper (148 p)
30) Baby Friendly Long Island (208 p)
31) The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp (267 p)
32) The Sealed Letter by Emma Donoghue (416 p)
33) The Truth About Organic Gardening by Jeff Gillman (208 p)
34) The Stay-at-home Parent Survival Guide by Christina Tinglof (279 p)
35) What to Expect the First Year (806 p)
36) The Mask of Motherhood: How becoming a Mother Changes Everything and Why we Pretend it Doesn't by Susan Maushart (266 p)
37) Frommer's New York City with Kids (310 p)
38) Let's Take the Kids by Joanne Michaels (300 p)
39) Bulbs for All Seasons by Pierre Gingras (282 p)
40) Gardener's World Book of Bulbs by Sue Phillips (112 p)
41) Fall Scaping by Nancy J. Ondra and Stephanie Cohen (240 p)
42) Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce (551 p)
43) Princess Academy by Shannon Hale (336 p)
44) Dragonheart by Todd McCaffrey (538 p)
45) Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves (256 p)
46) Peony in Love by Lisa See (297 p)
47) Lavinia by Ursula LeGuin (288 p)
48) Heros of the Valley by Jonathan Stroud (496 p)
49) The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (464 p)
50) Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches by Jan Eaton (208 p)
51) Historic, Floral, and Animal Designs for Embroiderers and Craftsmen by Suzanne E Chapman (71 p)
52) The Telling by Ursula LeGuin (240 p)
53) Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (288 p)
54) Machine Quilting by Sue Nickels (111 p)
55) Machine Applique by Sue Nickels (111 p)
56) The Girls by Amy Goldman Koss (128 p)
57) Midwives by Chris Bohjalian (374 p)
58) The Littlest Pilgrim
59) A Turkey for Thanksgiving
60) Life of Pi by Yann Martel (326 p)
61) The Giver by Lois Lowry (192 p)
62) Baby Patchwork by Gianna Valli Berti (177 p)
63) All About Quilting from A to Z (256 p)


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