6.18 Frontierland

Apr 28, 2011 02:41

I liked that episode immensely for it was a brilliant combination of interesting plot, perfect acting, good visual presentation and appropriate music which reflected not only the spirit of western movies but the spirit of the show as well and of course I liked those cool opening credits!

As for other things, I appreciated brotherly dynamic in the episode extremely  - at last it was that beloved tandem which I missed since 1st and 2d season. I was very happy to see that Sam and Dean were absolutely free at ease with each other that they smiled at last that Dean managed to became his old funny, excited, adorable self who could  enjoy simple things and tried to entertain his brother with them and Sam who actually appreciated this either smiling at him either pretending being annoyed about his unbelievable but the best older brother in the world.

So after very intriguing first scene from Old West with two cowboys preparing for the gun fight I was very pleased to see that nice family gathering in Bobby’s house when  the brothers and Bobby where trying to figure out how they would gang the Mother of All. It turned out that Samuel Campbell collected an impressive library which contained many rare things Samuel Colt’s  diary included.

I liked how Dean was rejoicing like a kid when he found it and how fast he invented the plan involving time travel.

Then we were presented with Rachel - Castiel’s lieutenant  who was not so happy about the Winchesters seemingly calling for  Castiel because of little trifles from her point of view, honestly her speech was dull, she was not interesting at all adding nothing to causing any interest in what was going on in Heaven,  that storyline is still boring and redundant although it was nice that the writers decided to make Castiel’s character a bit more complex - so now he can lie to his friends for the sake of something bigger I suppose, then we learnt that a human soul can actually be a strong source of energy for angels which was pretty much expected. By the way it was cool that Bobby did not hesitate for a second in his decision to save the kids and let Castiel touch his soul and siphon some energy from it, but it was interesting that Castiel didn’t tell that he could explode a human being during this procedure not only with Sam but also with that boy from 6.03.

Going back to the more interesting stuff, I should say that the balance between comedy and drama in this episode was just right and there were many great lines in dialogues which make that episode memorable as well.

So Dean turned out to be obsessed with “all that Wild West stuff ” and that case  was the perfect opportunity to fulfill  his child’s dreams, which naturally included his younger brother as well that’s why he made sure Sammy was wearing the cowboy  outfit as well.

I should say that that clothes fit the boys perfectly especially the hat for Sam in spite the fact that at first they looked like some fans going to some Convention.

Still even in foreign environments which did seem pretty natural and “authentic” all those townsmen included (the Sheriff, the Judge, the Saloon owner all were very characteristic) not to mention the monster of the week - Phoenix who was just cool - best anthroposized  monster in the season, and you can’t but feel sympathy for him) the brothers  didn’t lack their wits and confidence and come to  Sheriff to start finding Samuel Colt - Marshal Clint Eastwood and Texas Ranger Walker were great!

The next stop of modern cowboys was  Saloon and “it wasn’t awesome at all”, hopefully that encounter will teach Dean to check  every   frisky woman in his time too.

As for that time the local Judge saved him from the local whore’s pursuits and became the first victim of the Phoenix and the brothers got to know that their monster had no  flaming wings but was wearing cowboy  boots.

So the brothers decided to split because they had only twenty-four hours and Samuel Colt wasn’t apparently in that town, so Dean sent Sam “to make history”  and actually bring Samuel Colt  who seemed to be busy  building that demon’s gate with his Colt in town and he himself was to blend in even more by helping the locals to trace Phoenix.

Thus Sam had to get a ride on the horse - I wish we saw Sam prancing and his galloping a bit closer, but still what was shown was really good and the whole preparation very funny.

I liked Samuel Colt - it was nice to see that even considering himself retired he did a lot to fight demons and it’s evident that his meeting  with Sam - “giant from the future with a magic brick”  had inspired him even more as his diary would get  thicker.

I liked that passionate speech of Sam - he seemed to have  been  really reconsidered his way of life completely and accepted hunting as his vocation just like Dean, so as his words were from heart they did persuade Samuel Colt to give him the Colt so he managed to return in town just in time when extremely cool and bad-ass new sheriff  Winchester was chased by Phoenix, but he had no chances against Dean and the Colt, so we had that strong, exciting scene of cowboys duel again.

Dean was quicker but their time in the Old West was over and they were brought back having no opportunity to gather ashes which could kill the Mother of All, so at the end everybody were really depressed because everything Bobby’s putting his life in extreme danger was in vain. And while the characters and the viewers were totally baffled and frustrated there was a knock at the door and the postman brought a parcel from the past figuratively. It was Samuel Colts’ other contribution to the case - apparently he became that sympathetic for the young hunter that came after him to Sunrise and managed to gather the ashes of Phoenix, he even was able to figure out “the magic brick” and then sent it to Sam to the  future. It was a great reminiscence to the “Back to the Future” trilogy and a perfect ending for the episode for everybody felt burst of energy and enthusiasm.

So it was perfect episode - definitely the best in the 6th season and one of the best in the entire series
I enjoyed it very much!

episode review

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