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Jan 06, 2005 09:27

Im gunna do this 10 ppl thing =P cause im extremly bored...

1. This person is the funniest person i think ill ever meet. She doesnt care what anyone thinks about her and i never used to be that way until we started becomeing freinds. Now i could care less what ppl think and i love just being a weirdo with her. We have had so many hilarious times i couldnt list them all but this was my favorite.. i brought her on vacation with me and i had the best time i think iv everr had there.. when we were driving up we spent the whole way singing and blasting the music watching movies n pigging out on pizza haha even tho she woke me up at 6 everymorning yelling.. "ITS TIME TO SEE YOGI! TIME TO SEE YOGIII!!!" hahaha .. and she never even got to meet him =( Also that week we saw the first shooting star that the both of us have ever seen that night together and which will always be the best day of my life, cause we spent every night sitting out there waiting just to see one. Wow we had so much fun way to much to write about and i miss it soo much =(

2. Me and this person met in the 4th grade and we were best freinds but then we stopped cause i got mad at her for something i dont even remember =P but then finally we started talking and becoming freinds in 6th grade but really hanging out in 7th grade .. me danielle and her always had so much fun together and we would get together every weekend. We were best freinds last year and this year still but we dont get to hang out as much and i miss it alot.. i remember last new years eve me her and danielle put a box together of all our favorite things pitchers of us and little things from when we had gotten together at the movies n stuff.. were not opening for a long time and i know we will still be freinds then no matter what because she is just to good of a freind to lose.. we know everything about eachother n we could talk about absolutly everything we were like sisters and i hope she still feels that way =(

3.Me and this person have and interesting relationship.. last year somehow we began tortureing eachother n everyone in our homeroom thought it was hilarious just to hear us talking to eachother cause the whole time we would be arguing back and forth. Eeryone thought we hated eachother but we would be getting together n hanging out all the time we had alot of fun SURPRISINGLY ;) haha shes pretty cool i guesssss

4. Me and her just started becoming really good freinds this year. Last year we were in the same class but we never really talked too much. This year we hang out all the time and its so much fun. Her house is crazy cause everyones always there. I think my favorite memory with her would be when me her and ally decided we wanted to go outside n go sleding at like 11:00 at night and went up and down her street pulling eachother on the sleds and then stopped at Bobbys and Pats house and sang christmas carols even tho it was after christmas =P haha then we had to go back to sams yard cus it was late and we made snowboobs they were soo perfect but her little sister demolished them the next day =P Also one night when she slept over it was like 11:00 at night and we decided to go plowing. hahah the whole time we were singing out the windows and going absolutly syco haha =P OH YAHH.. me and her are wicked beastly in gym class!!!! and we beat everyone ;) hahaha i love gymclass with her and it would be sooo boring if she wusnt there.. i think we will be really good freinds forever and i hope she thinks so too =)

5. I love him.. we have had so much fun together and i love being with him. Iv never met a guy like him. He always makes me feel like i can do anything. Even when i feel like shit and my day has gone completly wrong when i talk to him he really makes me feel better. He likes me for who i am and guys arent ushually like that when he first liked me i thought i was just another girl on his list cause hes gone out with alot of ppl but for 2 months he didnt do one thing with another girl or flirt with ne of them. So i have alot of trust in him now. Iv been going out with him for over a month now and even tho we have our bad days i really think we'll be together for a long time. I love you babe<3

6. Me and this person have been best freinds since 6th grade and we were always such freaks in class. I was the new girl in class cause i got switched but she was like the first person to talk to me.. we also have a hilarious relationship cause were always making fun of eachother but were such good freinds. Me and her will defiantly be freinds forever. Shes in alot of my classes this year and i dont know what id do without her. Shes always there to help me out with my guy problems and i help her with all of hers. we support eachother with everything no matter what and shes one of the greatest freinds i know ill ever have.

7. This person is amazing. We have also been freinds since 6th grade when we were in the same class. She was kinda mean to me then and also in kindergarden i remember she came over and i ended up crying haha. Well since last year we have been extremly close and i tell her absolutly everything. She loves to party and me and sam are going over her house for the superbowl hahah =P 0=) Last year we would write notes constantly to eachother =P Her me n ashley got together everysingle weekend and we definatly need to hang out more. Shes the type thats really understanding, me and her are still really close this year but we really need to hang out more cause shes alott of fun to be with and i can talk to her about anything

8. This kid is extremlyy cool. I met him this year and now hes goin out with one of my best freinds. I hang out with him pat and sam all the time and i think hes hilarious. I think were pretty good freinds =P He gets very mad easily so him and sam kinda get into arguments alot but they always make up =P He really loves sam and i think they will be together for a longg time. Hes alot of fun to be around too =P

9. Hmm.. okay i was always listening to this persons guy problems alot last year and this year. =P She was in love with someone i think is absolutly sickening haha but i helped her out neways. She was apart of our poodle club but she was the only one who kinda liked the poodle which made me extremly mad. Shes really cool and fun to be with. Shes not in any of my classes this year either =( but i still talk to her all the time she the bestt ;) =P

10. I dont know if she'll see this but me and her have been freinds for a long time.. We met at Jellystone cause we go there the same week every year. We have had soo much fun together every year. We dont get to talk much but we definatly need to hang out soon. Ushually over the summer she comes over here for like over a week and we go up to the quaries every single day cause its amazing up there. I can be myself with her. Shes sooo nice and even tho we dont get to see eachother that much cause she lives at the cape i think we'll always be freinds. Over the summer this year she never go to come over cause she got in alot of trouble. =( i was soo sad. I miss her alot and i cant wait until i get to see her

*comment on which one u think you are =P
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