Hello, old friend.

May 01, 2014 23:15

This H_E reunion thing has really got me in the sentimental, running down memory lane kind of feels mood. I remember when all I would want to do is go on the internet and read my friends page. Now, it's kind of sad because hardly anyone posts on here anymore.

My life is going decently well. I've spent a good amount of time figuring me out and I think I'm on the right track. Seeing doctors about anxiety and ADD problems helped. After taking some time off with school, I saw an academic advisor and applied to both the RN program and the RT (respiratory therapy) program. I won't know about either for a while even though I constantly check my email.

I'm also moving in with my boyfriend this month. I've been slightly afraid to move this far because of all the shitty things that have happened in the past with me and guys. I feel jaded. But it's been two years and I've known this guy for way longer, so I'm hopeful. I've tried to make sure William is comfortable with everything and anything before going forward. I didn't introduce him to this guy until over a year after I was dating him. And little by little, we all have seen each other more. It's gotten to where when he leaves to go home, William asks him if he can stay.

So, there's that. Every once in a while I still feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. It'll get better I'm sure.

How are all of you guys? Miss this thing!!
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