So, it's been about a year and 5 months since I moved out here. For those who didn't know, I moved out to Redding, California in March of 2009 for a job as an EMT. They ended up letting me go after 3 months of work, due to unforeseen budget constraints, but the worker's union (NEMSA) that I joined when I signed my contract fought for my unemployment rights, so I actually have permanent unemployment benefits until I find work again, or move out of the state, whichever comes first. Which could be me moving...
So, yeah, I've been out of work since technically February 2010 (I had a very very part-time job as a marketing advisor for Best Buy for a few months. Luckily it didn't affect the unemployment, due to it being at most 10 hours a week. Don't even get me started on that job though...) and the job market is horrible out here. I've looked on just about every possible job search board and classified postings that I could think of and there's not much of anything available. And the ones that I could possibly even do? They have about 300 applicants, or so I'm told by the interviewer/management. I should've known, since California's been one of the most troubled states in the US for how long?
Went back home for a visit to the parentals and to staff an anime convention, like I did last year. Found out that my father isn't doing very well anymore. I realize that he's getting older (He's 83 this year.) and that he can't live forever, but apparently the whole year that I've been here in California has really depressed him and he's taken a turn for the worst. He got diagnosed with diabetes since I've been gone, which really kinda surprised me. He's still hobbling around, but very gingerly, which really concerns me. Which really is a pretty good segway to...
As I hinted to above, I'm debating whether or not to move back to Maine, though in Southern Maine rather than back home to Bangor. Well, I guess debating isn't the best word, I've already pretty much decided that I am. Whether it be permanent or "temporary" is yet to have been decided. A big reason is for my father, I'd be closer and I'd be able to go visit more often, which'll please him more. It's been really tough for him cause I really don't like to talk on the phone very much, and he doesn't know enough English to chat online, let alone use a computer. The other reasons are the friends and my girlfriend I left behind. I miss them terribly and only being able to see them at most once a year doesn't work well for me. So hopefully I'll be able to make this happen soon...
And my brain is mush now, so I'll end it here. If I had kept your attention throughout this, congrats! I'll probably type more in later or make another post if I remember something that I should put in here. Until next time, see ya all on the flip side!!!!