May 04, 2005 16:17
Today was totally boring..
I got to school and NO ONE WAS there but Jake! So me and Jake sat there and talked then Brittni came.. And we all talked them Ryan came.. Jake and Ryan were beatin' me up! AHH! lol!
**1st Period**- Science.. did absolutely nothing!
**2nd Period**-Choir.. Well we got in there and the student teacher Ms. Brown is leaving so we had a BYE-BYE party! lol.. We had cake and soda and stuff.. Well me and Sam were late gettin into the Cafe.. Cause Sam was on the phone and she wanted me to wait with her.. She started crying.. :( I almost started crying! I was horrible..
**3rd Period**- World Geo.. Ran around the whole class period.. Coach Workman likes me! lol.. So he lets me do anything..
**Lunch**- Nothing.. Very boring.. Other then me and Jake was throwing napkins at each other! lol
**4th Period**- World history.. WEnt to the Library.. And took a SOL Test on the net! Me and Ainsley made like a *98* on the first test and then *58* on the second one!
**5th Period**- Math.. Got screamed at for talkin again.. It was me, Sam, Jimmy and Rick!
**6th Period**- Me and Kirstie was drawing all over my notebook! It was so much fun =)
**7th Period** Finished watchin' *Cold Sassy Tree*..
Got home and hadda change a diaper! EWW! lol! I hate when mom ain't here to do that! And well I ended up here.. Just got finished watching American Idol!
Well ya'll I have some things to say.. I think I'm in love.. well hold on I KNOW I'm in love.. But I don't know what to do.. See, well look.. The dude has a girl and he called me and told me that he wanted to get back together so I told one of my *suppose to be* friends and she told his *Girlfriend* and him and his girl got in this big arguement.. And I called him just now to see what's going on.. and I ask him does he loves this girl.. and he says *I don't know I am having mixed emotion's!* And he told me he loved me! Get real man! I don't know what to do.. I can't move on.. I tried TRUST ME I tried.. This is killing me.. I started a bad habit back that I used to do.. Which I shouldn't have started in the first place! But I'm more depressed I can't even think of my schoolwork anymore.. All I think about is this situation.. I need help.. I know my friends don't like him at all.. But I can't help it! I don't know what to do.. So if you have any suggestions leave it in my comments.. Or even if your worried.. Please comment!
-*Amber Faith*-