I want to go back to like elementary school and still have all the innocence of not being exposed to the real world.
I remember the summer all you ate were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. How you always smelled like you just walked a away from a fireplace. The way you laughed when someone tickled you. How when you cussed or got angry, it never seemed to be coming from you. Going to pool and you'd lay on the hot cement because the water was too cold. That one time we were playing football and I accidently clothes-lined you, you just looked up at me in shock. Even when we drifted apart, you'd still say hi in the hallways. The way you'd pretend to be angry but couldn't keep it up and start laughing. When bad things would happen, you remained calm and kept everything under control. When you would smile, it was hard to hold back one. The way you're mouth is so small but you could take the largest bites. You never could seem to take a drink without some falling down your chin.
I just hope other people are blessed with being able to have these kind of memories with you. To me you were always one of a kind.
Pray for Chad Micheal who was thrown 30 ft. from a car, on Saturday where he was almost lost but brought back put on life support and in a coma for 3 hours. He can't sleep for more than 5 minutes having nightmares of trying to pull everyone out of the car, trying to save his friends.
So I know he'd like you to pray for his fellow passengers, Marcus who broke his ribs and punctured his lungs, Tyler who broke his neck, Dwane who broke his pelvis, and Rusty who broke his back who now has nightmares of pushing dead bodies off of him because everyone in the car landed on top of him.
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