Jan 21, 2008 17:59
The 17th I got in a bit of a car accident. A guy in a '93 Ford F-350 was in front of me. He starts driving on the left side of the road (which means his driving towards on coming traffic) He acts like he's going to turn left, keeps going, turns his left blinker on then makes a quick, sharp turn right. I slam on mu brakes, and try to jump the curb to the right, but his back right wheel slams into my front left wheel, catches it and he drags me into the parking lot that he was trying to turn in. I get out of the car, totally freaked and I asked him why he was driving on the left side of the road to which he replies in the most wounded voice "how can you say that?" What a jerk. The cops came, assessed the situation and gave me a ticket..... what a crock. They take my license (which I had to pay $80 to get back), my insurance doesn't cover my car only the other (liability), my car had to be towed (which I had to pay $260 to get back) and now I have to go to court to contest the ticket and if I lose I have to pay another $350..... I think that for something that wasn't my fault it sure feels like I got screwed. Which brings me to more recent news, I got a new/used car, a 2006 Hyundai Sonata. It's nice, but I'll be paying on it for a while. I have to admit though, I'm a little afraid to drive now. People are insane and I know that at any time someone can hit me. I have that feeling. And today a Mac truck tried to merge right into me. I feel so freaked every time I get into the car now. Sorry I rambled a bit.