Milliways Prompt Fic

Feb 24, 2011 23:33

Her own face won't let her forget.

His hand on her hair, his gaze meeting hers, his voice, all joy and pride, We're two of a kind, sweetheart, inside and out.

Genetically unlikely, she'd learned in science class, but didn't need to be told. Not with her mother and two sisters, their dark hair and darker eyes, Rachel shining gold and blue beside them.

Just Rachel. In the house, displayed in picture frames. He wasn't really allowed in and when he came over, it was usually to bring bad news. Solemn too-nice greetings at the door, Hello Dan, How are you Naomi? then the real smile and hugs for his girls.

His blonde hair carefully styled, blue eyes shining with the pleasure of seeing his family.

They should be good memories. More sweet than bitter. But when Rachel looks in the mirror these days, she never looks herself in the eye.

Did they kill you quickly, Dad? Where they that kind?
Or did they make it slow?
Did they infest you to see if you knew anything first?

She made Tobias tell her about the others, that they survived, what they do without the war. She knows his mother is alive, knows Jake's parents found their way back to their son. Cassie, Marco, Ax all went back to their families.

She does not ask about her family.

If the others' parents survived in the refugee camp the Animorphs had put them in, Rachel is certain her mother and sisters survived with them. That can be a given.

They all lived there for weeks before the last battle.

Fighting everyday, making temporary shelter.

Too busy to think about more than what was in front of them.

Her sisters only ever asked once.

What about Daddy?

And they believed her, without question, when Rachel told them not to worry.

But her mother never asked.

In all her accusations, she never asked.

At the time, Rachel hadn't allowed herself any thought at all that wasn't battle, strategy, preparation for the final showdown.



She can look in the mirror but not at her eyes. Never for long at her own face.

There was nothing she could do.

Her hair is much longer but the exact same shade.

He was lost the moment the Yeerks knew her name.

She has his stubborn chin, her mother always said.

Lost the moment she chose to evacuate her mother and sisters, rather than call and warn him what was coming.

Two of a kind, kiddo.

Rachel doesn't look at herself in the mirror.

Inside and out.

Not for long.

milliways, fanfiction, prompt

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