just updating.

Oct 12, 2004 20:12

Last week Jamie tells me that she wants me to play Rugby with the girls on Sunday. So, seeing that I haven't played in a while, I said "yeah, sure." Oh, my gosh. I am so friggin sore. My left leg is still hurting. Probably because I haven't played in forever and a day and same goes with practices. But we had a lot of fun. And then after the game we all went to Will's house for the after party. That was intresting. An event I won't go into much detail. Because as we ruggers know...or maybe it's just something I'm making up myself b/c of embarrasing events...what happens at a rugby party stays at a rugby party. Ha, just kidding. I'm making this sound horrible. Anyways, so another thing that happened last week was I was late to work. Now most people don't really care about being to late to work but what happened was this. At work we are in a way "graded" on our performance. On producitivity and also attendance. Anyhow, if it's not up to par, then you get an occurence. If you total 5 occurences you're pretty much guaranteed to start looking for another job unless the company decides to reinstate you. Anyhow, I was late Friday, which really sucked b/c the other thing about occurences is that after 30 days, if you do well, without being late or getting another occurence, one will automatically fall off. Well, I only had two days left before my occurence was to fall off, but I showed up late. To make a loooong story short b/c I don't feel like going into anymore details, I was kicked out of the system for having 5 occurences, had to write an appeal letter per-say to some head honcho lady and persuade her into allowing me to keep my job. Thankfully one lady called me today and said I can come back to work. I was worried to. I worked to hard to get that job back. And it totally would have sucked if I lost it. On to other news....This weekend my friends and I are thinking about going to the fair here in Beaumont. I love going to the fair. It use to be the ideal first date out for me, but I think it's not so much anymore. But that's irrelevant, whats really cool, is that I'm going with my boyfriend and possibly roommate and best bud. It will be a lot of fun. Especially with my sweetie. He's so cute. And it's so funny how we have a lot of things in common. I never thought a relationship like this would be possible. Not in a bad way, I just never saw this coming, and I never thought it would work out as well as it has. He's just a sweetheart. And he loves fishing. Thats enough for me to say right there. End of conversation. The boy fishes! Rock on!! ha ha. Well, we may even go this weekend. Thank God for payday. And I am definitely picking up more hours next weekend to better my paycheck. I REALLY need to. I'm also hoping to go home and see the parents to. They are dying to see a photo of me and Doug. What's really going to be funny is explaining to them that he has a son. Who happens to be such a cutie by the way. That's the other weird thing about this relationship. Had I known Doug had a son, I already know, and so does he, that I would have probably pushed him away if I had known. But now that I do know, it doesn't bother me. I think that's kind of cool. He knows what he wants in life and I know he's going to become a real success. Even if it means he has to move to Washington D.C. I don't know whats going to happen in a year. I don't really want him to go, but I want him to do whatever it is he needs to get a great job and live happy. Same for me. I don't know whats going to happen in a year. Hopefully by this time next year I will already be back in school and on my way to a earning my degree. I hate the situation I am in now, but it's temporary. I know it won't be forever. Ok, well, I have to go.


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