Jan 18, 2006 12:55
I realize that we live in Michigan, and I know I've lived here my entire life (unless I was in OH....almost the same...) but COME ON!!! I need a climate where it will either rain or snow, one type of weather a day...NOT BOTH!!! For example, last Friday was a nice day. I realize that it was gray and rainy, but it was nice. You know why? Because it was 50 frickin' degrees outside and I could get away with just wearing my cute pink fleece turtleneck that I got for xmas. Well, I went out that night and by the time I got home it had snowed 1 in. WTF??? And it wasn't that nice pretty fluffy stuff either. It was the I-can't-decide-to-freeze-or-not-so-lets-make-your-morning-a-living-hell kind that makes a nice thick layer of ice to chip through with your ice scraper. I think I will start some kind of record. I've already gone through 3 scrapers this year. It could be worse I guess, I could have been the one actually scraping...
Today was icky too...but anyone living here knows that. The parking lot out back was a nice pretty slush puddle..gotta love that. At least I was smart enough to put on my $5 moon boots. Those are the best investment that I've made.
Ok, going to find food now...maybe that will put me in a better mood!