Sep 11, 2011 15:23
Early this week I realized that I'd let my tubal anniversary ("birthday" doesn't seem like the appropriate word) go by without recognition.
Not that it's a particularly momentous occasion, not really, but that's kind of the point.
Four years ago that surgery was the biggest thing to have happened in my life. It was important and traumatic, and I used to think about it all of the time. I've devoted hundreds and hundreds of words to that experience, here and elsewhere, and this year I just forgot about it.
I'm not sure if that means I'm getting more mature, or just more forgetful. Maybe both?
I guess as I approach one of the magical child-related ages, I'm more prone to thinking about how much comfort those two little clips have given me over the years, how I was both lucky to have an easy enough time getting them and how it's not right that there are women all over the world who don't have my kind of access to these services, but mostly how I absolutely do not regret it.
I really can't say that enough. I do not, and never have, regretted my choice to be childfree, nor the steps I've taken to ensure I stay that way.