Dec 22, 2009 17:11
Guys, 2009 has been a really shitty year. Seriously, I have so many middle fingers for you, 2009.
Two raised middle fingers for each remaining day in 2009, in no particular order.
Car Breaking Down
I'm pretty sure I had to have my car towed to the dealership twice.
Not going to Khandahar
Seriously FTAG, fuck you.
Computer Monitor Dead
The Beaters to my Blender
I know, I promised I wouldn't mention it again. But seriously.
World Series of Poker
I didn't fucking go.
New Family Members
Honestly siblings, you are fucking retarded.
Lack of Sex
I spent half the year having it withheld as some sort of put-me-in-my-place punishment, and the other half without a reliable supplier. (Technically, I guess I went the whole year without a reliable supplier). Also, it's been since, like, September. Christ.
Paying for Parking
This is bullshit.
Coffee Mugs
Both of my good travel mugs broke this year. AHHH I FUCKING HATE MUGS.
Building New Shelves
I still don't have shelves for my books and DVDs. Moving sucks a thousand balls.