Nov 03, 2007 21:30
Today I went grocery shopping* and just before I walked in I saw a boyscout leader handing something to someone. Oh no, I thought, goddamn chocolate bars. Turns out the scouts were there collecting for the foodbank.
Now, let me tell you, the foodbank is a charity that I believe in wholeheartedly. Really, there's something... almost beautiful about measurable results in your donations. When you give five bucks to some random thing, some of that is going to the calandar they print and the little pins they put out and the salary of the person who thinks up those things. When you give a can of spaghetti sauce you can be pretty certain that that is going to go onto the table of someone less fortunate than you. It's not like that can can be spit up between the administation and advertising and whatnot.
The entertainer part of me want to use this to rail against the United Way and similar (crap) organizations, because that would be angry and funny.
But really, I put a can of pasta sauce, a bag of noodles, and a can of beans. I had to keep my sunglasses on when I gave it to the kid, because for gods sakes that isn't enough.