Happy New Years

Dec 31, 2004 15:55

As 2004 winds down I thought It'd be nice to reflect on this year-
Things that have changed my perspectives-
  •    I saw a boob during the Superbowl
  •    I saw Justin Timberlake grab a boob during the Superbowl (changing my previous belief that he was gay)
  •    I realized even moreso now that our President is...as he would say...not the sharpest banana in the orchard and here are some examples
    "It's a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life."-Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 2004"   
    "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."-Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

I could go on but I'd like to finish before 12
Lets see where was I..oh right things that changed me

  • The election...I didn't know THAT many people hated gay marriages
  • I began volunteering at PanAm Hospital if you want to know about my first day read this
  • If you'd like to see my work at the hospital now read this
Aside from the niece number 10, and my mp3 player not much has changed going into 2005
And since its the last day of the year and I never write anything about my friends I thought I'd take a moment to do that now (And so you dont think I'm putting you int he order of preference I'll just put you in whatever order you come out on my buddy list)

Luis- Even though you think we met in 6th grade because we had the same math class, we didn't, it wasn't until 8th grade that we started talking but enough about that.  You always make me feel better by giving us something to laugh about.

Danny- It's been 5 years and if 5 years ago someone had told me that "the quiet gay kid in the corner" would become my best friend I would have laughed in there face, weird how things turn out?  Well you should be proud I hardly ever keep the same friends for over 2-3 years, I get bored etc etc but you've always made me laugh whether it was Toy yoda, or "What do you think??" or "Ima go for it" or "I had her where I wanted" or "You stole her from me" we always have something or someone to laugh about.

Sean- You're too white for your own good

Marta- I still think it can work between us just holla at yo boy

Laura- Loose some weight

Viviam- You are also one of the 2-3 people that make me laugh, and I still don't understand how you are a pro-Bush, by the way don't worry about the brat he'll get beat up in middle school

Caitlin- Your Britney obsession is sad/scary and well face

Galen- You're still my favorite white person despite what I might tell Sean

Javi- Thanks to you I can get through English and Psychology without hating the class with my entire being

Ale- You're one of my favorite cubans and thats quite an honor cause I dont like many cubans *hides from mob*

Danny (white one)- Keep up being as mellow as you can be

Alex- We don't talk much but you have nice glasses?

Alexa- You're really quiet, sometimes it frightens me, sometimes you talk and talk and talk (i.e. Matrix mumbo jumbo) but I'd be lying if I said you weren't the most awesome Matrix obsessed, Office Space shirt wearing white girl on the planet, and dont worry someday when I own half of Costa Rica I'll buy you that box set

Carlos- I've known you for too long, I still remember that terrible science project microwaving the chips...oh and I'll lend you the Spidey 2 dvd someday.....

Fiji- The Whigs will rise again

Gus- Oy vay what can I say, you're gonna be the next Mussolini, just make sure to give me a nice high paying job when you take over the U.S.

Althea- Well I'd be lying if I didn't say you were the coolest native american polish princess I knew

Xart- ......I'm still angry that you talked so much during Spider-man 2, but I'll try not to hold that against you in the new year

Mr. Payan- Despite your communist beliefs, you're nic...umm...unique.

Marina- You also make my english class worth going to, cough cough I'm still waiting for my Spidey book cough

Karina- Despite you stealing and making a mockery of my patented High 15 (new name I just thought of) I still think you're a good person, maybe not to me but hey no ones perfect

Tati- You're weird not just because you talk to your computer, but come on...4 computers in the house, 1 breaking isnt that big of a deal, but thats beside the point, you're very unique.

Stef- FIELD SCHOOL!! Wheeew without you that Washington trip would have been terrible, thanks for teaching me all new ways to make fun of rich white kids

Alicia- Pumpkin, kind of ironic isnt it? The year I start talking to you, you decide to leave me.  I'm sure you already know I'll miss you and theres no one in school that can fill the whacky conservative white girl void in my heart left by you, I hope you make the best of living in Orlando.

Steph- Honey bunny, I thought this quote from an old popular song summed up our relationship well, "If loving you is wrong...then I don't wanna be right"  Even though you are 12 I'm sure in a few years we can work something out.  I'm gonna miss your witty sarcasm and your banter with your sister at lunch, you were, my first, my last, my everything.

Susan- After a year I think I've finally grown accustomed to your slightly high pitched voice, I want you to know I never really believed you were white, I keep thinking one day you're gonna walk into class and pour water on your face and the whiteness will melt away and a sistah will shine through.

If theres anyone that I missed it's probably because you weren't online or I skipped your screen name, sorry bout that.

Anywho, I thought this would be a short entry...happy new years everybody.
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