I am the fic-finisher! I...finish fic! My slogan is rather anti-climatic!

Jul 13, 2008 00:57

Title: The Lure of Popcorn
Author: amazingly_me
Theme: Meddle (for pepperony100).
Rating: PG
Length: 396 words.
Summary: Pepper's ever-expanding job description blossoms to include late-night Ironman documentary watching. She is not entirely pleased.
Notes: I had a bunch of these started, so I'm just sort of scurrying around finishing them. :P

"There's a board meeting today, right?"

There is a bleary pause. Then, "It's four in the morning Mr. Stark."

"Is there or is there not a board meeting today Ms. Potts?"

"Twelve hours from now," Pepper affirms, propping herself up against her pillows.

"I'm not going to go," Tony announces. Pepper groans.

"You can't just decide --"

"No, I can. Just did, as a matter of fact. Of course, I might be persuaded to go --"

"For the last time Mr. Stark, I don't have any sisters, and no I am not going to tell People that you're good in bed."

"Oh-ho very clever. Very sly. No, I just need you to get over here."

"Wha--to your house? You need me at your house. At four in the morning."


"I -- Mr. Stark there is no possible reason --" Pepper, without realizing it, is running a hand through her hair. Suddenly she feels tired, and annoyed, and slightly fed up with her ever expanding job description.

"Ah, but that is where you err Ms. Potts. There's an Iron Man special on the Discovery Channel. Why they don't have the sense to run it at a better time --"

"It's a rerun, from last Tuesday night at nine." Pepper says automatically.

"Aha! Did you TiVo it?" Tony asks. "Do you pause it at your favorite moments? Scribble down my funniest quotes? Glory in the glimpses of your incredibly attractive red hair off to the sides of the camera? Which, by the way, how did you conspire to appear on screen exactly twice? This is ridiculous Ms. Potts and I expected better out of you. You should be everywhere in this thing."

"No, I did not TiVo it Mr. Stark," Pepper says, trying not to let her smile slip through the telephone lines. "It's my job to know when things like this air. You may recall hiring me several years ago...?"

"Just get over here and watch this with me," Tony says, somehow dismissive and affectionate all at once.

"I can watch it perfectly fine from here Mr. Stark," Pepper says. The foot that is slipping into her shoe is doing so against her will, she swears.

"But I made popcorn!" Tony says.

"Well in that case I'm on my way Mr. Stark," Pepper says, doing her best to sound put-upon, and slips on her other shoe.


o1. Because it's totally possible that Tony is sick of watching obscure television alone, right?
o2. Would the Discovery Channel show an Ironman documentary? Do not ask me questions to which I do not know the answers -- it makes me look silly. ;] When I watched TV I was mostly a Nickelodeon, Disney, and Animal Planet gal, so I...am clueless. Tragically undereducated, re: television.
o3. It is very late. This should probably be the first note, because it probably explains the silliness of the first two notes. Well, I wrote the story when I was coherent, so here's hoping. :]

Feedback is always craved, thanks guys! :]

fic, fic: ironman

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