
Jan 09, 2008 18:47

saraannette is generally awesome. And she wanted Rory/Jess fic for a holiday present this year. So this is it!

Title: In Fair Stars Hollow Where We Lay Our Scene
Rating: PG? Or even G?
Spoilers/Warnings: Rory: exists. Jess: exists. They liked each other. They dated. I don't think those count as spoilers any more though. ;] As for warnings, well, there's ( Read more... )

fic, holiday fic

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Beware of squeeing herein: anothersaturday January 14 2008, 01:12:05 UTC
OH MY GOD! I love your Rory so much right now! That's totally what I thought the first time I read Romeo and Juliet! I was like, 'You're going to kill yourself? Over a BOY? Whom you've known for a week? God, Juliet, get a hobby!'

she definitely didn't notice when Rory and Lorelai absconded with half the cake. She feels a little guilty about that -- but not guilty enough to, say, not eat the cake.

Here's your fork Sir Smirks-A-Lot.
Hee! From this day forward, whenever I watch Jess episodes I am going to be secretly thinking of him as 'Sir Smirks-A-Lot'. Also I am giggling helplessly over the waiters-in-tights thing.

And... gah! Rory and Jess bonding over books. That's so cute and so totally THEM. <3

Rory snorts. "Right. True love. Because when you've known someone for a day, and you haven't even talked to them, it's a good idea to follow them home and watch them while they monologue at their window? That's creepy!"
Wordity word! Romeo is a bit of sketchy stalker type, isn't he? (And wasn't he stalking some Rosalind or Rosaline girl before he saw Juliet? LOL CREEP.)

"And you let me go on and on? I got into one of my best literary rants for you, and it didn't even matter?"

"'Course it mattered," he says calmly, wiping the frosting off of his face, "it was kinda cute."
I don't actually have anything coherent to say about this, except: ZOMG SQUEE <3 <3 <3!! Aww, Jess! My inner shipper loves this line very much. :D

And he reminds me of you, she thinks, but she doesn't say it. She's pretty sure he can figure it out.
Aww. That's so sweet. I am dead from the cuteness of it. And ZOMG, he really is so VERY Mercutio-ish. Mercutio-esque. Something like that.

So in case you couldn't tell, I totally loved this! It's just so lovely and banter-y and charming and full of Rory/Jess goodness. This is really awesome and full of nothing but WIN, thank you so much!! :D


Re: Beware of squeeing herein: amazingly_me January 14 2008, 02:45:27 UTC
OH MY GOD! I love your Rory so much right now! That's totally what I thought the first time I read Romeo and Juliet

Ah, I'm so glad! I finished it and was suddenly terrified that you would, like, adore Romeo and Juliet and hate me forever. So...phew. ;] I had to read Romeo and Juliet in ninth grade and was really sort of miffed with them both. :P


Glad you think so. :] I was afraid it was a little off-topic, but I wanted to explain where the cake came from. Lorelai and Rory seem to have the leftovers of half of Stars Hollow in their fridge, so...

Also I am giggling helplessly over the waiters-in-tights thing.

I have always secretly wanted to go to one of those tacky looking Renaissance dinner places. I suspect the waiters would have names like, "Sir Snuffleupagus," but "Sir Smirks-A-Lot" works too. ;]

Wordity word! Romeo is a bit of sketchy stalker type, isn't he?

Haha, yes! I was talking to my friend the other day and said something like, "Oh, yeah. He sees her from ACROSS THE ROOM, he hasn't even TALKED to her, and he...follows her home and hides in her bushes. Aads;flas;lk what?" And then I stole our witty conversation and stuck it in my fic. :P

Also, I love that you said wordity word. WIN.

And wasn't he stalking some Rosalind or Rosaline girl before he saw Juliet? LOL CREEP.

Apparently in order to be romantic in Ye Olden Days, you had to be a stalker. NEATNESS.

So in case you couldn't tell, I totally loved this!

I am ridiculously relieved by this. :D Because, uh, your writing is awesome, and I've never written Gilmore Girls before, and basically...*nervous*

I'm really glad you liked it! :D Happy belated holidays. :]


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