EDITED: ...In order to share the love. See below. :]
Hello f-list! Pay this entry no mind, unless you've made a wishlist. Or, I s'pose, just want a wish granted. So...PLZ TO BE COMMENTING. It's just a list of gifts I can give for
I've always loved to write, so fic (or even original fiction, if you wanted some) is a give-able gift for me.
Fandoms: Heroes, X-Men, Star Wars (mostly the older movies), Pushing Daisies, LOST, Newsies, Harry Potter, The Office (US).
Plus I've seen any number of other movies and read tons of books, so if there's a fandom that doesn't really have an online fandom, I might still be able to do something.
I can also make graphics. I don't have worlds of experience, but if you're wondering what I can do, check out
copper_wings, my graphics journal. And if you still want graphics, let me know! :]
And, of course, I can talk! Yes, I can talk with pretty much anyone. I'll talk to you about a shared fandom, a favorite book, baseball, politics if you want to (touchy subject I know!)...so if just wanting to talk is on your wishlist like it is on mine, drop me a comment!
If anything up there sounds like it would grant a holiday wish of yours, drop me a comment! I can't promise to grant the wish of anyone and everyone who finds this post, but I can try, certainly. :]