Harry Potter...

Dec 21, 2006 17:45

...to those of you out there who are Harry Potter fans/nerds/rabid followers, just had to say that I'm being sorted at hat_sorting and it's quite interesting already. So if you like head on over. And if you don't like...yeah. Don't!

I'm getting really good at this whole obvious instruction thing.

In the AmazinglyMe needs a swift kick department: I have to finish my holiday gift fics! I still have two to finish and, as I'm sure everyone's noticed, Christmas is fast approaching!

And in miscellanious life news: I have a bandaid on my index finger. It is making it quite hard to type.

The End.

P.S.: Fabulous, wasn't it?

P.S.S.: I am feeling rather odd today. Perhaps you can tell. :]

holiday fic, harry potter, random, sorting, my life

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