So sitting here on a Saturday morning I had a sudden craving for Ron/Hermione fic. And being to lazy to go hunt some down, I wrote it instead. Because that doesn't require any energy at all. ;]
Title: How To Survive Your Own Wedding
Rating: PG for small language and one (count 'em, one) suggestive sentence.
Summary: Loose threads, clueless best men, minor panic attacks, and place setting related fiascos. Welcome to Ron and Hermione's wedding, as seen through the eyes of their best man and maid-of-honor, respectively.
Spoilers/Warnings: Possible Deathly Hallows spoilers (read the book!).
Notes: This is basically Ron/Hermione fluff as seen through the eyes of Harry and Ginny. Also, I used lots of Capitals For Emphasis. It was a Sudden Impulse. Couldn't help it. ;]