And then I wrote more stuff!

Jul 25, 2008 21:21

Whee! This writing thing, it's kinda fun. :P Two Dark Knight drabbles because, you know. That movie made my brain explode in at least six awesome ways.

Title: Spring
Rating: Eh. PG?
Characters/Pairings: Gordon and his parents.
Summary: Gordon’s mother, pale and thin and startlingly loyal, will not pack her bags. “One more spring,” she says.
Notes: For visiblemarket because she got me thinking about Gordon, and also because I should not distract people with links to essays when they're trying to write. :P Also? This is 200 words exactly, and I'm psyched. On the downside, I idea if it's any good. Also, if there's any canon backstory for Gordon, I'm sure I've just stomped all over it. So!

Gordon remembers being five. Being five and watching his dad peer cautiously out the window, one hand on the sill.

“It’s not safe here Julia,” he’d say, and Gordon’s mother would sigh, her tired eyes not quite giving in.

“Spring is beautiful in Gotham, Harry,” she’d say. “Give it until spring.”

Spring brings a hesitant sun, half-hidden behind smog, and an explosion at the tire factory that the nine o’ clock news hints may not have been an accident. But Gordon’s mother, pale and thin and startlingly loyal, will not pack her bags.

“One more spring,” she says, and Harry Gordon glances worriedly at his son, and then his wife, and closes the blinds.

Spring comes and goes, bringing with it corruption and heists and murder. The blossoms on the cherry trees are pale. And one summer day, when Gordon is eleven, his father does leave. Gordon’s mother will not let him take Gordon.

“He’s my son,” she says, and will not give up.

Julia Gordon dies at forty-two, because women who already look like they will snap in a gentle breeze do not survive being mugged. But her son, her son stays. Next spring, he knows, will be beautiful.

Title: Pirates and Fair Maidens
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Bruce, Rachel. Bruce/Rachel if you'd like to see it.
Summary: Nine year old Bruce and Rachel play games, and Rachel declares her independence. Gross boys.
Notes: Um. Because Little!Bruce playing pirates would be adorable? And also because I tend to forget that before Bruce and Rachel were, you know, pining or whatever, they were friends. 139 words.

Bruce kisses her on a Monday.

They're nine, and playing games (cops and robbers, pirates, and 'trial' once, because she insisted) and she has just escaped the clutches of the dread pirate lord (with the help, of course, of that brave sea crusader Bruce 'One Eye' Wayne). He leans up and brushes his lips against her cheek. She stares at him, and he stares at her, and then he makes a face.

"Ew," he says, and she nods, twists her lips into a grimace.

"Gross," she agrees.

They defeat a dragon, next.

She asked him about it, once, when they were both sixteen. They'd laughed about pirates, and dragons, and he'd said that didn't the brave hero always kiss the fair maiden? She'd twisted her lips into a grimace and said she wasn't his damsel in distress.

fic, fic: the dark knight

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