Nov 22, 2005 10:02
This trip was pretty fripplin awesome:
Friday: Almost 15 hours on a bus with some pretty crazy people. Some moments were: "Would You Rather....." "Burn Victim..." "STAIN!!!" "Spider Attack!" "Indiana...Land of Cornfields and Northern Rednecks"
Saturday: Debating from 8:00am - 7:00pm. The painful Alabama game....receiving updates via text every five minutes because the yankees up there wouldn't change it from the Michigan game to the Bama game. Driving around for 45 minutes in the boonies waiting for our restaurant reservation. Going into the restaurant and watching Roberts completely bitch out the hostess/manager.....rather embarrassing for us. Some interesting things from dinner that night: "Hmmmm...Do I want a half-rack or whole rack?" "Hey....Will you butter my pancakes?" "Videos of Stirling doing lines of white powder on the table" "Thats one big piece of meat....take that as you will" "Sam is by far the most white jew ever!...oh allison wins that prize with her pimp minivan with the sparkly diva tag."
Sunday: Debating from 8:00am - 2:00pm. The massive drama between Cauldwell and Roberts over whether she was allowed to take us into down town Chicago even though we were supposed to be at some pointless awards ceremony later. A lot of Roberts bashing would follow these conversations. We finially decided to take a risk and go even though he didn't want us to. We took the 3:30 "L" train to Union Station in Chicago. We walked to see the Sears Tower and took some pictures in front of it. Chicago was soooooo much nicer that I had expected. There weren't many people down town and for some reason a lot of the stores were closed. I only saw like 2 homeless people and the city was so clean...not trashy like I had expected. There were christmas lights and decorations all over and it was felt like something out of a romantic movie set at christmas time. It wasn't too cold when we were walking at first. We went to a restaurant named Harry Carey's after the chicago cubs announcer. When we walked out we were freezing. The wind was blowing sooo hard and we were completely numb...which isn't very good when you have to walk 20 blocks back to the train station. With the wind chill, it was 16degrees....brrrrr. We took the L back to the hotel and had a huge Roberts bash on the train. When we got back to the hotel, Sam, Allison, and Rahul were pissed that we didn't take them with us...but we didn't really have an option. Allie, Allison, Sam, and I all got in Sam and Rahuls hot tub...pretty funny...soap everywhere...then we went to the pool/hot tub down stairs and swam for a while but ended up playing mafia with some people from california in the sauna....good times.
Monday: We were supposed to leave at 9:00 no matter who went to finals but roberts decided that we would have to stay and see if Sydnor and Ashton went to finals. They lost in Semi-Finals. We ended up leaving Chicago about 12:00 and got home amazingly at 1:00 am tuesday morning. Some interesting parts of the ride were: "My Minions! The Screaming eels and the R.O.U.S.!" "observations one is the STAIN we reserve the right..." "With Right Wingers in power, we can now save the babies we can't afford." "Jesus Sydnor...I didn't know you were capable of creating such an atrocity!" "He's hot and we haven't even seen him without his mask on!"
So yeah...that was a really long post.....sorry if it was boring.....I hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving holiday and stays safe!