Nov 03, 2004 15:31
so, i guess i really dont know what to do about the whole corey thing. we broke up. im okay with it, im ready to move on. honestly, i thought we were perfect for each other, but if he cant deal with the lond distance thing the first time, how can he do it the second time? i dont wanna deal with the stress. it was awesome the first time around.. and i know its not going to be the same ever again. its hard when i have him BEGGING me to take him back, but i just cant. im starting to move on. i met bryan.. and hes near perfect. the first time we really hung out, was just awesome. i didnt think it was going to be a good time cause he didnt seem interested at first, but awesome enough it turned out great. now he brings me my white mocha everytime he sees me, suprised me with it sunday morning at work. :) i just... trust him. more than anyone, ever. i have such a hard time trusting people and i just feel like i can totally trust him. he calls me, texts me, suprises me with visits, keeps his promises.. im just not used to that. haha.. he has not once let me down, and i love that. its a great feeling.
we leave for DC tmorrow. im so stoked. its gonna be great. too bad i cant call people though, but i'll still be able to get calls. i just dont wanna make long distance calls. i hope bryan calls cause i totally cant go 4 days without him. :(
tonites the le tigre show... and im missing it. THAT FUCKING SUCKS. BUTTT, i'm spending the night packing and i'm meeting bryan soon. :) woo!
my sister is telling me about her field experience from today, cause now she has to teach LD classes.. i dont think i could deal.
Avesgirl07: better now..i had field experience today and this little boy threw sand at me...he cant help it..i was just in the line of fire lol
Avesgirl07: and they told me i need to be careful because he will scratch my face without thinkin about just swing back and hit in the air..he almost hit one the teachers today...and there is one kid who doesnt talk and tries to eat everything and shakes and can barely walk :-\ he makes me sad
feebnroc: eeeps, i dont think i could deal with that
Avesgirl07: yeah it is really hard and one girl talks but it doesnt really make sense and she just runs around
feebnroc: ooh
Avesgirl07: yeah but they are cute :-)
im proud of my sis. :)
anyways, im out.