About that last entry (a preemptive strike against criticism):
I felt really bad for two seconds, thinking to myself, Oh my God, I just made fun of a mentally retarded girl's journal. But then I looked at her profile and did NOT see any of the following in her interests list:
developmental disabilities;
short busses;
life goes on;
So now I don't feel quite so guilty. But anyway...if you think the entry was bad, check out her
I do realize that girl was only fifteen years old (my God, I sounded like R. Kelly for a second there... couldn't resist one more tasteless joke!) but I honestly don't think I wrote that way at 15, and neither do any of the fifteen year olds I do know.
I do realize I am not above criticism myself: I have a tendency to make up words, and, if you don't look VERY CAREFULLY, some of my sentences may seem like run-ons or fragments. Usually I do fairly well with spelling and grammar, just because I had a Grammar Nazi for a junior high English teacher. I do realize others were not so lucky, or spelling etc. just doesn't come easy to them, for whatever reason. In addition, I usually only talk like a gangsta bitch for comic relief; I REALLY don't talk like that in real life.
I have zero problem with any of the following IN MODERATION: quizzes, IM conversations, song lyrics, etc. However, when one's journal is composed solely of those plus rants like the one I just posted, I don't want to even think that people that lame exist.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done!