My word... I have so much work to do. Three midterms next week, then one the next. I suppose the time spent being sick and stressing over my spanish presentation was my break. Incidentally, it went fine, although the ten minutes was stretched into about 35 because we had to discuss a point in the second poem that I had completely missed: namely, that it was just about the most homoerotic thing ever. Also, apparently silk = death?
Whatever, Lizzie said she thought I did a good job. We shall see.
Well, no, my break was the JJ's 21st birthday festivities last night... say, did you know that the
Great Dane sells a sampler with five tiny glasses of its
delectable beer? Well, JJ does now! Ah, hilarity.
Hmm... according to a quiz I took from the course website for my neuroses class, I'm very anxious (84th percentile). I fucking need to chill. Alright, now I'm getting worried about being worried. Damn irony!
Speaking of getting worried, the
ideafest seminar yesterday night made me DAMN nervous about keeping the notebook... his was like, ... fucking perfect. I really want to go to
Jam in the Dam, though, so I better step up.
Time to go beg for money...